Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My oh my how life has changed...

So, I should have started this blog when we first brought Noah home, but I'm a first time mom, and I just got my Barrings back!  Adjusting to life as a family now instead of it just being Dave and I has been interesting and oh so different!  It's so funny how you go from being all about yourself and your husband to not even hardly caring anymore about yourself and putting all your efforts into this tiny new creation.  I can remember complaining that I never had enough time before we had Noah.  Now all I can do is laugh at myself because I had no idea what it was REALLY like not to have enough time until I went back to work full time after having Noah.  I now, can honestly say I do NOT have enough time, but I don't care!  I have learned not to sweat the small stuff!  No one (besides me) cares if I haven't vacuumed or swept the floors recently.  I can assure any house guests that their sheets are clean and the toilets bleached!  The rest, well you're just gonna have to deal with it!  I am now a full time working mommy and my priorities have drastically changed.  My evenings were once spent typically having a happy hour with girl friends or a nice quiet dinner with my wonderful husband.  Now it's typically a microwaved stauffer's lasagna (if dave's lucky that night) and eating in shifts while the other plays with our sweet boy and keeps him happy!  Sitting down at the table doesn't really happy anymore, I tend to eat standing up over the kitchen Island while I multi task doing several other things.  And after dinner we spend the rest of our time playing with our sweet boy until it's time for the three B's: Bath, Bottle, Bed! 

It's very interesting how quickly you adapt to your new life as parents.  Sometimes I feel like I'm a completely different woman, and I think in ways I am, but the old Michelle does pop out from time to time.  Normally when friends come to visit or the occasional night on the town my Hubby and I get to share when Grammy graciously watches our boy.  Before Noah I really can't imagine sitting at home on a Friday night doing NOTHING!  We were always on the go!  Dinner and drinks with friends, movies, traveling!  Always something!  And we do still go out from time to time, but never as late and not normally as wild....and the traveling part....well, we hope to get there again, but right now it just seems impossible.  We are hoping maybe this fall to try a short trip possibly to Hatteras or maybe Maine to visit my family.  We think a trial run with the boy is in order before we pack our bags for a trip to San Diego or Costa Rica!  But we sure hope to see foreign land in our future!

Another thing that I have noticed has changed about me and Dave is what we buy.  The days of $200 polarized Ray Ban sunglasses are GONE!  I better take good care of the pair I have!  Oh and those awesome shopping trips to the Reho outlets to my favorite stores consisting of BR, JCrew, CK, A&F....yup not so much of that anymore either!  When I do buy for myself, which is rare these days it's from Marshall's!  The majority of our shopping is now done at Carters, OshKosh, or Children's Place.  Nothing but the best for our boy!  He rocks out in camo pant's, Hurley sweat suits, and only the cutest and best outfits around!  The funny part about this is, Dave and I would rather spend our money on him buying those outfits then on ourselves!  I think as parents you really do care more for your child then for your own needs!  Who cares if I'm still wearing last summer's clothes!  They work just fine!

Probably the biggest change for me has been the sleep!  I am someone who really needs good sleep to function well.  I just am not at my best without good sleep.  And let me tell you, broken sleep is not as good as uninterrupted sleep.  My body has adjusted to needing less sleep these days but it did take me awhile to get to this point.  Noah hasn't been the worst sleeper, but he certainly hasn't been the best either.  There have been some pretty brutal nights, and then some nights where we don't hear a peep for 12 hours.  Oh how I love those nights!  Noah's been doing good lately with the sleep.  I think he's given me three nights in the row without interruptions until about 5AM.  Not too bad! 

But with all these changes I, nor Dave could ever picture our lives with out him now.  We were incomplete.  He's such an incredible gift.
This is Noah, 3 Months in one of my favorite outfits, that no longer fit him!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Rob and I are experiencing all of this right now! Sleeping in shifts, eating in shifts and spending all of our time with Tripp. I love every minute of it do not get me wrong but not showering for 3 days and sleeping two hours at a time is not the most fun.... Tripp has become really fussy and gassy for some reason, and it breaks my heart.
    Rob and I are really excited about traveling with Tripp but we would like to do a test run as well, as now he is only 6 weeks old, before we head on an airplane for 6 hours or more... But they do say the younger the easier it is to travel with, not sure if i believe this or not. Still to be determined.
