Tuesday, June 14, 2011

6 Months and 2 Weeks

6 Months and 2 Weeks ago I gave birth to our sweet boy.  It's crazy how time flies.  The past 6 months have flown by!  My little boy in six months has gone from 7 1bs 2 ounces and the 25th percentile in growth to 20 lbs and the 80th percentile!  HOORAH!  I can tell you he certainly doesn't miss a meal these days!  He absolutely loves food! 

I'd like to start by sharing our birth story.  This story is something that is very special to me and I hope that it touches lives and helps people to learn to listen to God and not question what you feel he is telling you to do. 

We were due on 11/27 and our Doctor really wanted to schedule an induction and had picked the following Monday (the 29th).  David and I were both unsure if we wanted to be induced as we felt like Noah might just want to come on his own.  There are risk both ways.  If you wait too long then he can be too big to delivery vaginally and it could result in a C-Section.  Over due babies can also have their first bowel movement in utero which can cause major issues for them.  But if you get induced, there's a chance that you don't dilate fast enough and it can cause too much stress on baby, causing his heart rate to drop, and causing a C-section.  I was very against having a C-section, I really really didn't want to go that route.  So David and I prayed the whole week before on which way to go...do we wait or do we not?  I went back and fourth all week, and just didn't have peace about either way.  The day before my scheduled induction I prayed for God to give me peace one way or the other.  I put all my faith in him to help me decide which way to go.  And he did just that.  I suddenly felt overwhelming strong about going in to be induced the next morning.  I told Dave and he agreed.

So, we headed to the hospital the next morning arriving at 7:30 AM.  They set us up in a labor and delivery room, hooked me up to a fetal monitor and started getting all the paper work signed and registering me into the system.  Then all of a sudden Noah's heart rate significantly dropped and in fact disappeared for a moment.  Then next thing I know I have ten nurses on me, on oxygen mask, and they are telling me we are going straight to the OR for a C-section as something is wrong with the baby.  I am in shock!  We haven't had any pitocin yet, and everything has been fine my entire pregnancy, his heart rate has always been strong!  Then all of a sudden his heart rate comes back and it is stronger then ever.  The nurses tell me he may have rolled on his cord or something, but they had already called my Doctor and were going to wait for her to decide what to do.  When Dr. Pernal arrived she said everything looks good, but to be safe they would monitor me and baby for an hour before starting pitocin, but she was optimistic that everything would be just fine.  15 minutes later Noah's heart rte plummeted again, and I had ten nurses on me once again.  This time they tell me, they are not taking any chances and that something is seriously wrong with him and they have to operate.  So, C- section it is!

We find out in the delivery room when they pull him out that his cord is wrapped around his neck and shoulders.  They tell me he never would have been able to handle contractions, and never would have been able to deliver vaginally.

If we hadn't decided to go in and be induced we could have lost him.  I thank God so much for guiding us in the right direction.

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