Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Two Years to Life

Two years ago I went to a Tough Mudder as a spectator to watch some friends complete the twelve mile obstacle course, and one of them was wearing a bomb suit.  I was green with envy that day that I wasn't running the course with them.  I didn't feel fit enough to do any obstacle course, let alone a twelve mile one!  It was my very next day off that I walked into a CrossFit gym for training completely determined to turn it around, and it was about three months after that I did my first mud run, six months after that that I ran my first Tough Mudder, followed by two savage races, two CF OPENs, two competitions, and trust me, I am no where near done!

After two years of CrossFit (CF) I am stronger mentally and physically, I'm happier, healthier, more determined than ever, more educated on fitness and diet, and I get to work with some amazing friends/athletes almost everyday.  I've met so many new people through CF (including the highlight of my year, meeting Christmas Abbott),   The past two years have been non stop learning for me.  Everyday I learn something new, I get a wee bit stronger, and something finally clicks into place!  I have learned not to care about my time compared to everyone else on the board,  I've learned to slow down, dial into my form, and build up my strength and technique.  I've learned what to fuel my body with, and trust me it makes a difference in your performance!

There is not one day that I have gone to the box (aka gym) and regretted it, although there have been numerous days I haven't gone and that I have regretted!  I feel in many ways, and I tell people often that CF saved me.  It has taught me to be stronger, it has given me an outlet, I have great friends there and better then any other reason, my parents have both been active CF'ers for over a year and they are stronger, healthier, and closer to each other and closer to me.

I feel that I am setting a great example for my boys who will plop down and give you 20 burpees (ok maybe not 20), and who will turn any thing into a barbell and practice their snatch technique.  They too have made new friends at CF and absolutely love going to the gym.  You will often catch Noah hanging from my refrigerator handles doing pull ups, and it makes me smile.  I pray that these two boys see a strong mamma in front of them, and that it motivates them to find something they love and to stick to it.  I pray for strength and determination for them, and most of all, just health and happiness, which I have found through CF.

Is CF for everyone?  Maybe not, but not because everyone can't do it but because it may not be the way you chose to get fit.  There is no wrong choice here, it's just important to find something that you do enjoy and kick butt every day you can.  If it is CF you would like to try, come check us out anytime, and see what you really are capable of doing.... amaze yourself.

 Mom, Dad, and I about to run in the Reindeer 5 K

 My first Tough Mudder

 My Dad.... stronger every day.

Christmas ornaments for Dad and I!

 Pit Crew Eli!

 Christmas Abbott!!!

 Who doesn't love handstands???

Friday, January 31, 2014

Thank a Mom

Thank a Mom

It's something that just doesn't happen enough, and I am just as guilty as the rest.  We take mothers for granted because mothers just do what they do without a second thought.  It is in our DNA, and we wouldn't have it any other way.  And what I have learned most recently with the trials I have been dealing with in my own life is that your mother never stops being your mother, no matter how old you are, how accomplished, or how many tornados (kids) you have of your own, no matter how close in distance, or how far away none of that matters.  From the moment your first born is conceived till the moment you personally take your last breath you will never stop being a mother.


When you're a mother  you  go all the time,  I saw a Facebook post  the other day that said "Mothers of little boys work from son up to son down",  true story!  Would be true of daughters too (maybe even more so)!  You are always working, but love the work.  I had the most amazing weekend with my boys.  We didn't do anything special, but they've been really sick for about a month and this was the first time they both have been healthy and able to enjoy the day.  We went to the Dollar Store so Noah could spend his well earned four dollars on a few toys (he's earned it by eating his full dinners every night and nope, this mom is not above bribing when it comes to important things like eating a healthy balanced meal).  I then dragged them into multiple stores while I ran our weekend errands (in the pouring down rain and crazy winds).  It's tough for a 15 month old and a three year old to spend over an hour sitting in a grocery cart while mom checks off everything on her list but they did it with smiles and behaved so well.  It's just so great to see my kids thriving, and warms my heart.  I certainly would have rather been at home playing batman and robin with them, but the reality is we do what we have to do and when we can!


Now let me try to get out what I wanted from this blog as now I've started to ramble.  Stop what you're doing right now and thank a mom, and thank the mother of your children (wonder how many fathers actually even read my blog, moms make them read this one), thank your friend that you know is doing a great job, thank your own mother, just thank the mom at the grocery store who's somehow mastered grocery shopping with her tornados and their not screaming (no easy task).


 I'm sorry if you're a dad reading this and think, "what about us"?  Dads are of course, very valuable, and the kids need you too!  They need male figures in their lives in general, grandfathers, uncles, step fathers (like my brother who is the best damn father (dna or not)!    My advice to you dad is get on the floor and rough house with your kids, take them to the beach and chase them, teach them to fish and to play other sports, and teach them by YOUR actions how to love their mother, and to be thankful of her. 


Here's the other thing dads that you can do, acknowledge that she might need a break, not from you... the kids.  TAKE HER OUT ON A DATE!  A real one, don't half ass it.  This is the woman who gives you her everything every day.  Kiss her, rub her head, and tell her she is beautiful.  Acknowledge what her body has been through and that she looks damn good!  Acknowledge what her mind has been through and know that she needs to be loved and appreciated.  Actions speak volume here fellas.


Moms get wore down and we keep going because it's in our DNA.  Rarely do we stop when the kids are awake and do for ourselves.  Sometimes, we get down on ourselves and what would be amazing is to hear this "you're doing an amazing job, you're a great mom". 


I know some incredible moms (first and foremost, my own) that need to be told how amazing they are.  I know some moms who have been through some really tough times.   Please stop doubting yourself, and please stop feeling guilty because you need a moment to step back and breathe.  You're a better mother when you're rested and rejuvenated.  You're amazing in so many ways and your kids are amazing.  You're doing a great job.  Don't listen to anyone that doubts you or judges you.  They have no idea what you're going though, what you've been through, and how much is on your plate. 


What are you doing still reading?  Go thank a mom.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Drinking the koolaid…

Three months ago I got tired of going to the gym and being bored.  I’d go, run on the mill for a bit, get bored, go do some crunches, stretch, then maybe if I was super motivated I’d grab some dumbbells and do some biceps curls.  And then to wonder why I didn’t see any results?  A lot of people will read this and make a face, and tell me I have always been in shape.  Trust me when I tell you there is a difference between being skinny and in shape.

 I went and watched some friends do a Tough Mudder race the first week in June.  I went as a spectator because I feared I wouldn’t be in good enough shape to actual participate in the event.  And I was right.  That weekend was it for me, I knew I wanted a change, I just needed to figure out how to get it.  So I literally dropped into my local Crossfit Box (Crossfit Ocean City), and signed up.  Level 2 trainer, and owner Kelley Rakow was there to welcome me with open arms, and get me all set and of course, overwhelm me with information.  J

I had my first WOD (work out of the day) that Monday with my trainer Erik.  Deadlifts…what the heck is a deadlift?!  I now know what they are (thanks Erik for teaching me the awesome form, and I now know my hips are not as wide as I thought) and actually enjoy doing them.  Weird, I know, who actually enjoys working out?  Crossfitters do.  I’ve been off all week due to sick kids and scheduling conflicts and I am starting to twitch and feen for my box.  It is an addiction, no doubt, but at least it’s an awesome, healthy one, that is completely making me a better person in more ways than one.

That’s right, I am a better person because of crossfit.   I am getting in shape (with a long ways to go), I am eating better because I want to and because my trainers know nutrition and teach it, and I AM HAPPIER.  I am pushing through obstacles in my personal life by sweating them out and throwing barbells around.  And throwing them around with a great group of people who I thoroughly enjoy spending my free time with.  I would rather be at a WOD on Friday at 5:30 then at any happy hour this town can offer me.  I am stronger and able to rough house with my two little boys in ways I couldn’t before (an entirely different level of “Super Mom”) and chase that adorable red headed toddler around on the beach without feeling winded. 

I will end with saying this: do something good for yourself.  The secret to being happy is not money, or love.  It’s being happy with yourself FIRST.  Then go after the rest. 

I debated about posting this pic below, but I decided to go ahead and show it off.  The pic on the left is my first day at CF and the pic on the right was month 3.  And I've only just begun.  Also, enjoy the article below as well that explains your first three months at Crossfit.  It’s all VERY true.
PS.  I'll be going to Tough Mudder this October, and this time, I won't be spectating.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Crazy can sometimes be a good thing

I believe it is OK to be called crazy when something great comes out of your madness. 

Let me introduce you to my friend SFC Eric Johnson from US Army EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal).  Eric is involved in the EOD Warrior Foundation http://woundedeodwarrior.org/  which is a non profit organization that provides assistance to wounded and fallen EOD Warriors and their families. 

In order to raise awareness and contributions for this organization Eric and some of his fellow EOD warriors have done some pretty crazy things .  The latest and greatest of their crazy adventures: Eric decided to complete the ToughMudder obstacle course wearing one of his EOD issued bomb suits.  Why not, right, (it's only an extra 55 lbs when it's dry...which by the way it was not dry)?  For those of you who don't know what Tough Mudder is, their website claims to be "Probably the toughest event on the planet".  Eric and his team had two goals in mind, raise awareness and money for the EOD Warrior Foundation.  Well, I can tell you as a spectator at this event that Eric and his team completed  the course last weekend (June 2, 2013) in Philadelphia, PA they certainly raised both awareness and money. 

Being a spectator I got to watch in awe, as Eric kept going on this 12 miles course in the scorching heat.  It was in the 90's on Saturday with high humidity, and this course was in an open field with no shade.  Eric and his teammates completed the 12 mile course and 22 obstacles in about 6 hours.  Along the way Eric was greeted by many other participants who thought of him as quite the "bad ass" and just wanted to shake his hand and congratulate him on being such an inspiration to them and to others.  It was great to watch the jaws of spectators, participants, and Tough Mudder employees just drop wide open as they stared in disbelief to what he was doing.  Need a little more insight?  Here he is in action jumping over the the walls of "Glory Blades".

A direct recap from Eric after the event: "I finally have a chance to recap the Tough Mudder for all of you. After a day to recover and think about it, I'm feeling pretty proud of the accomplishment. That is due in large part to my team. I would not have finished without you! It was at mile 2 that I already had doubts about finishing. The heat was brutal and the cramps had already started, but thanks to a little motivation from Leanne..., Steph, Bill and Brook we pushed on. We made a lot more stops than anticipated, but they were definitely necessary. We ended up finishing in about 6 hours. The obstacles themselves were a blast. I didn't get across the rings or the monkey bars like I had hoped, but falling into the water was definitely worth it. The climb up Everest took about a dozen people, but they eventually got me to the top. Walk the Plank was hands down my favorite. Jumping 20 feet into the water and shooting right back up like a fishing bobber was exactly what I expected and a whole lot of fun. I wanted to do it again. I did get killed by the electroshock at the end though...5 times in the hands and face by my count, but made it through without falling on my face. The greatest part of the day was getting to hear the encouragement from all the other mudders and talking to bunch of great people. Not many people knew that we would be out there doing what we were doing and there were definitely some confused looks on peoples faces, but in the end they were all tremendously supportive. Thanks again to everyone for your support! I don't know if this the end of my bomb suit shenanigans, but keep an eye on this page and you'll be the first to find out if we come up with something new."

Why go through something so crazy?  Why push your body to it's absolute maximum?  Well do it because you're crazy for a good cause.  Eric has shirts for sale (that I happen to love by the way) for purchase that basically speak the words of courage right on them.  All proceeds go to the EOD warrior foundation.  If you would like to buy a shirt: https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/bombsuitmudder.org/app_251458316228



The red shirt (shown above) was worn by the Tough Mudder team and has now been made available for sale to the public.

 or donate to:
(Select Bomb Suit Mudder from the program designation drop down menu.)
More great photos of this event (compliments of http://www.danamariephotography.com  and Andrea Croyle):

For more information and photos from this event please check out https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/bombsuitmudder.org