Sunday, March 24, 2013

To the Youth in OC, and everywhere else.

A truly sad tragedy hits our youth in the OC area.  Caitlyn Lebo, 19 years old passes away from an expected overdose.  Caitlyn was part of our church youth group for several years  .I always knew Caitlyn had problems.  She was pretty open about the fact that she smoke, and drank.  But I wasn't sure how much further it went, and unfortunately I didn't get to know her well enough to dive into that.  I wish I would have.

As a youth leader, this rocked me today pretty bad when I found out.  Was there more I could have done?  More I could have said?  I've actually been playing back conversations I had with Caitlyn, things she told me, things she told our group.  Truth is, I know for a fact I could have done more.  I bet any youth leader from any church would agree with me.  I became a youth leader because I remember being a troubled youth.  I did things I knew were wrong, and not of God.  I drank, I had sex, and I smoked, and I also attended youth group on a regular basis.  I wish I would have taken those lessons I was being taught and applied them to my life at that time.  Coulda, woulda, shoulda...I'm sure many would agree with me.  So, when I got back involved in church and actually started to apply those lessons I had learned as a youth, I wanted to hopefully impact our youth and maybe reach them on a level parents can't.  If you're a parent reading this, don't get me wrong.  You will have more influence on your child then anyone else in their entire life.  But sometimes youth need another avenue, a responsible adult to confide in that isn't their parent.  I wanted and still want to be this person.

I sit here wondering what lessons Caitlyn learned at youth group and which ones she may have applied.  I know she tried.  I can remember being at Centrifuge with her and seeing her just ball and feel so convicted to do right by God.  That was the moment I felt comfortable that she knew our Lord, and I'm sure she is in a better place now.  Our God keeps all of us as his children, even when we mess up, which we all do, and even if we don't walk with him everyday.  Thank God for that.  Once saved always saved is an amazing gift.  Walking with God will change your life in ways you can't imagine, but no matter how you walk, you will always be God's child once you ask.  If only we were all that loving and forgiving. 

The purpose for this blog today is this: When we are a parent, I believe our children are what drives us.  We love our kids so much we will give up anything and do anything for them.  We want to be better people because of them, we work hard because of them, we stay healthy so we can be around to watch them grow.  My two boys (and my Hubby) are the reason I wake up everyday.  After God, they are who I aim to please every day and who I live my life for.  So when you're Caitlyn's age, or any youth's age what drives you?  Who drives you?  I can tell you when I was a youth it was my peers that drove me.  I wanted to fit in, be cool, and do what everyone else was doing.  It's rare that a teenager stands up for what they believe in solely, it is typically with a pack of friends by their side.  Which is great, so stand up for something great!  Stand up for GOD.

What if I would have said to one of y girlfriends "I think you've had enough to drink tonight, no need to drive!"  Maybe I could have saved someone from a DUI.   Would I have been more receptable to my peers telling me I was being an idiot?  ABSOLUTELY!  I'd espect it from my parents!  But if one of my friends said it...It'd proably have straightened my ass right out.

So here's my message, to all my youth: be a positive influence on your friends.  Tell them if you know what they are doing is wrong, and help them through it.  Don't sit on the sidelines and watch.  Be a difference in their lives.  Be a difference in each other's lives.  Tomorrow is not guaranteed to any of us, so don't wait to become a follower of God, and don't wait to change your life.

I love all my youth, and for those of you who are mourning right now, I am SO SORRY for you're loss, I am praying for you guys and I'm always here (even if I'm not a leader today, I'm always around).  I pray for all of you to have peace about what happen, and to know she is in a better place.  And I pray that God takes this tragedy and turns it around to hopefully save the life of a troubled youth, or friend. 

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