Friday, September 6, 2013

Drinking the koolaid…

Three months ago I got tired of going to the gym and being bored.  I’d go, run on the mill for a bit, get bored, go do some crunches, stretch, then maybe if I was super motivated I’d grab some dumbbells and do some biceps curls.  And then to wonder why I didn’t see any results?  A lot of people will read this and make a face, and tell me I have always been in shape.  Trust me when I tell you there is a difference between being skinny and in shape.

 I went and watched some friends do a Tough Mudder race the first week in June.  I went as a spectator because I feared I wouldn’t be in good enough shape to actual participate in the event.  And I was right.  That weekend was it for me, I knew I wanted a change, I just needed to figure out how to get it.  So I literally dropped into my local Crossfit Box (Crossfit Ocean City), and signed up.  Level 2 trainer, and owner Kelley Rakow was there to welcome me with open arms, and get me all set and of course, overwhelm me with information.  J

I had my first WOD (work out of the day) that Monday with my trainer Erik.  Deadlifts…what the heck is a deadlift?!  I now know what they are (thanks Erik for teaching me the awesome form, and I now know my hips are not as wide as I thought) and actually enjoy doing them.  Weird, I know, who actually enjoys working out?  Crossfitters do.  I’ve been off all week due to sick kids and scheduling conflicts and I am starting to twitch and feen for my box.  It is an addiction, no doubt, but at least it’s an awesome, healthy one, that is completely making me a better person in more ways than one.

That’s right, I am a better person because of crossfit.   I am getting in shape (with a long ways to go), I am eating better because I want to and because my trainers know nutrition and teach it, and I AM HAPPIER.  I am pushing through obstacles in my personal life by sweating them out and throwing barbells around.  And throwing them around with a great group of people who I thoroughly enjoy spending my free time with.  I would rather be at a WOD on Friday at 5:30 then at any happy hour this town can offer me.  I am stronger and able to rough house with my two little boys in ways I couldn’t before (an entirely different level of “Super Mom”) and chase that adorable red headed toddler around on the beach without feeling winded. 

I will end with saying this: do something good for yourself.  The secret to being happy is not money, or love.  It’s being happy with yourself FIRST.  Then go after the rest. 

I debated about posting this pic below, but I decided to go ahead and show it off.  The pic on the left is my first day at CF and the pic on the right was month 3.  And I've only just begun.  Also, enjoy the article below as well that explains your first three months at Crossfit.  It’s all VERY true.
PS.  I'll be going to Tough Mudder this October, and this time, I won't be spectating.