I was typing out this new years resolution on my FB page I was about 4 weeks pregnant...just didn't know it yet! It's funny when you think you have everything planned out God laughs and says "that's not my plan for you!!!" And then he reveals his plan! But we couldn't be happier! We are 11 weeks pregnant now, and expecting baby # 2 early September. My due date is September 15th, but they will take me a week early and do a C-section since Noah was a c-section. So our kiddo's will be 22 months apart! OY! That is gonna be ALOT of work!!!! But we can't wait!!
I love how God works! I love that how he reminds you/me that it's his plan not ours! I needed a reminder of this, and what better reminder then this! Now I get to have another baby! Dave keeps asking "How are we going to afford day care for two? How are we going to do this or that?" And i keep telling him, "I don't know! We'll figure it out!!!!" And I know we will!
So, this pregnancy has been completely different then the last! I had the best pregnancy with Noah, so I probably deserve a little taste of the morning sickness! This time I have been pretty sick. It seems to be subsiding now that I am almost into my second trimester! Thanking God!
Everyone keeps saying they hope we have a little girl so we have the "perfect" family...but I think our family will be perfect boy or girl! I am leaning towards this one being a girl just because how different the pregnancy has been...but either way, I will be tickled pink or blue!)
How I told Dave is pretty funny! I had a pretty good suspicion that I was pregnant, but didn't want to tell Dave until I knew for sure. So I had a positive pregnancy test and went to my doc and also got a positive blood test, there certainly was no denying it. So I went to Carter's and picked up a shirt for Noah that said "Big Brother". Put it on Noah when I picked him up from day care. Dave didn't even notice the shirt until I pointed it out to him. LOL, he was certainly shocked! But happy Schocked!!! HAHA! So we decided to tell our parents, and even they didn't notice the shirt! We were going to wait to tell everyone else but we were so excited, and Dave kept telling more and more people so we finally just decided to tell the world. Here's Noah in his "Big Brother" shirt.
I can't figure out how to rotate the pic...but you get the point! |